Paul Birdsall Prize winner Robert M. Citino with Jonathan Spence
― photo by Miriam Hauss.

—Hans Gatzke, Yale University, endowed this prize in 1986. It is named in honor of the late Paul Birdsall of Williams College, and is offered biennially for a major work on European military and strategic history since 1870. Committee members are James F. Tent, University of Alabama at Birmingham, chair; Linda Frey, University of Montana; and Stephen Morillo, Wabash College.

2004 Awardee: Robert M. Citino, Eastern Michigan University, for Blitzkrieg to Desert Storm: The Evolution of Operational Warfare (Lawrence: Univ. Press of Kansas, 2004)

Citino's work is an outstanding scholarly presentation of the issues, challenges, and responses of societies and their military establishments to warfare since 1940. Displaying masterful knowledge of the human, organizational, and technological elements involved in the disposition of military forces in the world's increasingly destructive wars, Citino's thoughtful, splendidly written study enlightens specialists and generalists alike. He and his publishers also deserve praise for the detailed notes and bibliography that underpin this fine scholarly study.